Arduino and C#

Monday, July 9, 2012 · Posted in

Tools : Visual Studio 2010
System : Windows
Language : C#

The LED positive(+) pin connected to pin 13 and the LED negative(-) pin connected to the GND (Ground).

I havent have the time to write the full tutorial yet, but you can make use of the source code available below.

Download the C# and Arduino file, here.

Leave a thank you comment if this helps :)

Update :
17 August 2013 : Thank you for the all thank you comments!

9 Responses to “Arduino and C#”

  1. Thanks this Is great i have been looking for anything like this for past two months

  2. thanks for you code, I'm started on arduino studies and is very important this examples for my learnings.

  3. this code worked successfully,bt after running 2 times,my PC could not find the COM port of that arduino,same with the other computers.Was it needed to clear the serial of arduino? Any help?

    1. Hi sifat, I'm sorry I couldn't troubleshoot this for you the time being (someone borrowed my Uno). I haven't encounter the problem you faced with the code that I've uploaded. I try to get back to you in time. But you could ask in the Arduino Forum for now as they are always helpful and quite fast in responding

  4. Hi Sifat,
    try to close port each time execeute. I guess.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi can you give me your source code.

    I need use C# to control Arduino.

    And link failed.

  7. Gracias. Ha sido de mucha ayuda.

  8. Dont think in the future
    make a sample using dimmer ?


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